Setting up Argo CD Metrics to Get Scraped at argocd-metrics:8082/metrics Endpoint: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Setting up Argo CD Metrics to Get Scraped at argocd-metrics:8082/metrics Endpoint: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of struggling to set up Argo CD metrics and getting them scraped at the argocd-metrics:8082/metrics endpoint? Well, you’re in luck because this article is here to guide you through the process in a concise and easy-to-follow manner. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to effortlessly collect and expose your Argo CD metrics, making it easier to monitor and optimize your application’s performance.

Why Do I Need to Set up Argo CD Metrics?

Before we dive into the setup process, let’s quickly cover why setting up Argo CD metrics is essential for your application’s success. Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps-based continuous delivery tool that automates the deployment of applications to Kubernetes. With Argo CD metrics, you can:

  • Gain insights into your application’s performance and resource utilization
  • Identify bottlenecks and optimize resource allocation
  • Monitor and troubleshoot issues in real-time
  • Improve your application’s reliability and uptime


Before you begin, make sure you have the following components installed and running:

  • Argo CD (version 2.2 or higher)
  • Kubernetes (version 1.21 or higher)
  • Prometheus (version 2.26 or higher)
  • Metrics scraper (e.g., Prometheus Operator)

Step 1: Enable Metrics in Argo CD

To enable metrics in Argo CD, you need to update your Argo CD configuration file (usually values.yaml). Add the following lines to enable metrics and expose them on the /metrics endpoint:

  enabled: true
    enabled: true
      k8s-app: argocd-metrics
        app: argocd-metrics

Save the changes to your configuration file and apply them to your Argo CD deployment using the following command:

argocd app sync  --helm-set metrics.enabled=true

Step 2: Create a ServiceMonitor Resource

Create a new file named argocd-metrics-servicemonitor.yaml with the following contents:

kind: ServiceMonitor
    k8s-app: argocd-metrics
  name: argocd-metrics
  - interval: 30s
    port: metrics
    scheme: http
      app: argocd-metrics

Apply the ServiceMonitor resource to your Kubernetes cluster using the following command:

kubectl apply -f argocd-metrics-servicemonitor.yaml

Step 3: Create a Service Resource

Create a new file named argocd-metrics-service.yaml with the following contents:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    k8s-app: argocd-metrics
  name: argocd-metrics
  - name: metrics
    port: 8082
    targetPort: 8082
    app: argocd-metrics
  type: ClusterIP

Apply the Service resource to your Kubernetes cluster using the following command:

kubectl apply -f argocd-metrics-service.yaml

Step 4: Configure Prometheus to Scrape Argo CD Metrics

Update your Prometheus configuration file (usually prometheus.yaml) to scrape the Argo CD metrics endpoint. Add the following lines to the scrape_configs section:

  - job_name: argocd-metrics
    metrics_path: /metrics
      - targets: ['argocd-metrics:8082']

Save the changes to your Prometheus configuration file and restart the Prometheus service.

Step 5: Verify Argo CD Metrics

Verify that Argo CD metrics are being exposed at the argocd-metrics:8082/metrics endpoint:

curl http://argocd-metrics:8082/metrics

You should see a list of available metrics. If you don’t see any metrics, double-check your configuration files and ensure that the metrics endpoint is correctly exposed.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any issues during the setup process, refer to the following troubleshooting tips:

  • Check the Argo CD and Prometheus logs for errors or warnings.
  • Verify that the metrics endpoint is correctly exposed and accessible from within the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Ensure that the ServiceMonitor and Service resources are correctly applied to the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Double-check the Prometheus configuration file for typos or incorrect formatting.


Setting up Argo CD metrics to get scraped at the argocd-metrics:8082/metrics endpoint is a straightforward process that requires careful attention to detail. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can collect and expose valuable insights into your application’s performance and resource utilization. With these metrics at your fingertips, you’ll be able to optimize your application’s reliability, efficiency, and overall success.

Metric Description
argo_cd_app_count Total number of applications in Argo CD
argo_cd_app_sync_errors Number of application sync errors in Argo CD
argo_cd_repo_health Health check status of the Git repository

These are just a few examples of the many metrics available in Argo CD. By scraping these metrics, you’ll be able to gain a deeper understanding of your application’s performance and make data-driven decisions to improve its overall reliability and efficiency.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Argocd metrics and learn how to set them up for scraping at the argocd-metrics:8082/metrics endpoint!

What is the primary purpose of setting up Argocd metrics?

The primary purpose of setting up Argocd metrics is to collect and expose relevant data about your application’s performance, health, and resource utilization, allowing you to make informed decisions and optimize your system.

How do I configure Argocd to expose metrics at the argocd-metrics:8082/metrics endpoint?

To expose metrics, you need to configure the Argocd metrics service by creating a ConfigMap with the necessary settings, and then deploying the Argocd metrics service as a pod in your cluster. This will enable the service to scrape metrics from your application and expose them at the argocd-metrics:8082/metrics endpoint.

What kind of metrics can I expect to see at the argocd-metrics:8082/metrics endpoint?

By default, Argocd provides a range of metrics that include application deployment status, resource utilization, and pod metrics. You can also customize the metrics collection by adding additional configuration options or using third-party tools to collect custom metrics.

How do I secure access to the argocd-metrics:8082/metrics endpoint?

To secure access to the metrics endpoint, you can use a combination of Kubernetes network policies, service mesh, and authentication mechanisms such as OAuth or JWT tokens. This will ensure that only authorized users or services can access the metrics data.

Can I use external tools to scrape and visualize the metrics exposed at the argocd-metrics:8082/metrics endpoint?

Yes, you can use external tools such as Prometheus, Grafana, or New Relic to scrape and visualize the metrics exposed at the argocd-metrics:8082/metrics endpoint. This allows you to integrate Argocd metrics with your existing monitoring and observability stacks.