Mastering Quarto PDFs: How to Change Column Width in a Breeze
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Mastering Quarto PDFs: How to Change Column Width in a Breeze

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Are you tired of dealing with inflexible column widths in your Quarto PDF documents? Do you want to take your document design to the next level? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of changing column widths in Quarto PDFs. Buckle up and get ready to unlock the full potential of your documents!

Understanding Column Widths in Quarto PDFs

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of changing column widths, let’s quickly cover the basics. In Quarto PDFs, columns are used to organize content into readable sections. By default, Quarto assigns equal widths to each column. However, this can lead to issues with layout, readability, and overall aesthetics.

That’s where customization comes in. By adjusting column widths, you can create a more balanced and visually appealing layout that enhances the reader’s experience.

Method 1: Using the `column-width` Property

The most straightforward way to change column widths is by using the `column-width` property in your Quarto document’s YAML header. This method allows you to set a fixed width for each column.

title: My Quarto Document
    column-width: [2in, 3in, 1in]

In this example, the `column-width` property is set to an array of three values, each specifying the width of a column in inches. You can adjust these values to fit your specific needs.

Pro Tip: Using Relative Widths

Instead of setting fixed widths, you can use relative widths to create a more flexible layout. To do this, replace the `in` units with `em` or `%`.

title: My Quarto Document
    column-width: [20em, 30em, 10em]

In this example, the column widths are set as relative em values. This allows the columns to scale according to the font size and other document settings.

Method 2: Using Custom LaTeX Code

If you need more advanced control over column widths, you can use custom LaTeX code to define your own column specifications.

title: My Quarto Document
      in-header: |

In this example, we’re using the `multicol` package to define custom column settings. The `\setlength` commands adjust the column separation and width to our desired values.

Pro Tip: Creating Multiple Column Widths

To create multiple column widths, you can use the `\setlength` command multiple times, each with a different column width value.

title: My Quarto Document
      in-header: |

In this example, we’re defining three different column widths using separate `\setlength` commands.

Method 3: Using a Custom LaTeX Template

If you want even more control over your document’s layout, you can create a custom LaTeX template to define your column widths.

First, create a new file called `mytemplate.tex` with the following content:








Then, in your Quarto document, specify the custom template using the `template` property:

title: My Quarto Document
    template: mytemplate.tex

In this example, we’re telling Quarto to use our custom `mytemplate.tex` template to generate the PDF document.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While changing column widths in Quarto PDFs is relatively straightforward, you might encounter some issues along the way. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

  • Issue: Columns are not adjusting to the specified width

    Solution: Check that you’ve specified the correct unit for the column width (e.g., `in`, `em`, or `%`). Also, ensure that you’ve updated the Quarto document YAML header correctly.

  • Issue: Columns are overlapping or not fitting on the page

    Solution: Adjust the `columnsep` value to increase or decrease the gap between columns. You can also experiment with different column widths to find the optimal balance.

  • Issue: LaTeX code is not being applied correctly

    Solution: Verify that you’ve included the necessary LaTeX packages (e.g., `multicol`) and that your code is correctly formatted. You can also try using a different LaTeX template or seeking help from a LaTeX expert.


Changing column widths in Quarto PDFs is a breeze with these three methods. Whether you prefer using the `column-width` property, custom LaTeX code, or a custom LaTeX template, you now have the tools to take control of your document’s layout.

Remember to experiment with different column widths and configurations to find the perfect balance for your content. Happy Quarto-ing!

Method Description Advantages Disadvantages
Using the `column-width` property Set fixed or relative column widths using the Quarto YAML header Easy to implement, flexible
Using custom LaTeX code Define custom column settings using LaTeX commands Highly customizable, fine-grained control Requires LaTeX knowledge, can be complex
Using a custom LaTeX template Define a custom LaTeX template to control column widths and layout Total control over document layout, highly customizable Requires LaTeX expertise, can be time-consuming

Now that you’ve mastered changing column widths in Quarto PDFs, take your document design skills to the next level by exploring other Quarto features and customization options. Happy creating!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of struggling with column widths in your Quarto pdf document? Look no further! Here are the answers to your burning questions on how to change column widths in Quarto pdf.

How do I change the column width in a Quarto pdf document?

You can change the column width in a Quarto pdf document by adding the `width` attribute to the column specification in your YAML header. For example, `columns: [width: 2in, width: 3in]` would set the first column to 2 inches wide and the second column to 3 inches wide.

Can I change the column width in the middle of the document?

Yes, you can change the column width in the middle of the document by using a `\columnbreak` command and specifying the new column width. For example, `\columnbreak[width: 4in]` would start a new column with a width of 4 inches.

How do I set a default column width for my entire document?

You can set a default column width for your entire document by adding a `default-column-width` attribute to your YAML header. For example, `default-column-width: 3.5in` would set the default column width to 3.5 inches.

Can I use relative column widths?

Yes, you can use relative column widths by specifying a width as a proportion of the text width. For example, `columns: [width: 0.5\textwidth, width: 0.3\textwidth]` would set the first column to 50% of the text width and the second column to 30% of the text width.

What units can I use to specify column widths?

You can use a variety of units to specify column widths, including inches (`in`), centimeters (`cm`), millimeters (`mm`), points (`pt`), and pixels (`px`). You can also use relative units such as `\textwidth` or `\linewidth` to specify widths as a proportion of the text or line width.