Setting Up an ECDA Server: A Step-by-Step Guide to Connecting SAP Replication Server to SQL Server
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Setting Up an ECDA Server: A Step-by-Step Guide to Connecting SAP Replication Server to SQL Server

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Are you struggling to connect your SAP Replication Server to SQL Server? Do you find yourself lost in a sea of technical jargon and cryptic error messages? Fear not, dear reader! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up an ECDA server to bridge the gap between SAP Replication Server and SQL Server. By the end of this article, you’ll be a master of ECDA configuration and ready to take on even the most complex data replication challenges.

Why Do I Need an ECDA Server?

Before we dive into the nuts and bolts of ECDA server setup, let’s take a step back and discuss why this intermediate layer is necessary in the first place.

The SAP Replication Server and SQL Server are two distinct systems, each with its own unique communication protocols and data formats. The SAP Replication Server uses a proprietary format to replicate data, while SQL Server relies on TDS (Tabular Data Stream) protocol to communicate with clients. To facilitate communication between these two systems, we need a middleware solution that can translate and relaying data between them – that’s where the ECDA server comes in.

Step 1: Installing the ECDA Server

The first step in setting up an ECDA server is to install the necessary software. You can download the ECDA server software from the official SAP website or via your organization’s internal repositories.

Once you’ve downloaded the installation package, follow these steps:

  1. Run the installation executable and follow the prompts to select the installation location and language.
  2. Accept the license agreement and choose the installation type (in this case, a standalone ECDA server).
  3. Choose the database management system (in this case, SQL Server) and provide the necessary connection details.
  4. Configure the ECDA server’s listening port and enable SSL encryption (optional but recommended).
  5. Specify the SAP Replication Server connection details, including the server name, port, and login credentials.
  6. Review the installation summary and click “Install” to begin the installation process.

Step 2: Configuring the ECDA Server

After the installation is complete, it’s time to configure the ECDA server for SAP Replication Server and SQL Server connectivity.

Open the ECDA server configuration file (usually located in the installation directory) and update the following settings:

ServerName = <ECDA_Server_Name>
Port = 31532
SSL Enabled = true
SSL Certificate = <Path_to_SSL_Certificate>

[SAP Replication Server]
ServerName = <SAP_Replication_Server_Name>
Port = 3900
Username = <SAP_Replication_Server_Username>
Password = <SAP_Replication_Server_Password>

[SQL Server]
ServerName = <SQL_Server_Name>
Port = 1433
Database = <Database_Name>
Username = <SQL_Server_Username>
Password = <SQL_Server_Password>

Replace the placeholders with the actual values for your ECDA server, SAP Replication Server, and SQL Server.

Step 3: Creating an ECDA Server Profile

To establish a connection between the SAP Replication Server and SQL Server, we need to create an ECDA server profile.

Launch the ECDA server management console and follow these steps:

  1. Create a new profile by clicking the “New Profile” button.
  2. Specify the profile name, description, and the SAP Replication Server connection details.
  3. Select the SQL Server database and authentication method.
  4. Configure the data replication settings, including the replication method, data format, and error handling.
  5. Save the profile and restart the ECDA server to apply the changes.

Step 4: Testing the ECDA Server Connection

It’s time to put our ECDA server setup to the test!

Launch the SAP Replication Server management console and create a new connection to the ECDA server:

conn = connect("ECDA_Server_Name", 31532, "ECDA_Server_Username", "ECDA_Server_Password")

If the connection is successful, you should see a confirmation message indicating that the SAP Replication Server is connected to the ECDA server.

Next, test the connection to the SQL Server by executing a simple query:

SELECT * FROM sys.tables

If the query executes successfully, you’ve successfully set up an ECDA server to connect your SAP Replication Server to SQL Server!

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with the most meticulous planning, issues can arise during the ECDA server setup process. Here are some common troubleshooting tips to get you back on track:

Error Message Solution
ECDA server not listening on the specified port Check the ECDA server configuration file for incorrect port settings or firewall restrictions.
SAP Replication Server unable to connect to ECDA server Verify the SAP Replication Server connection details and ensure the ECDA server is running.
SQL Server authentication failure Check the SQL Server username and password, and ensure the correct authentication method is selected.
Data replication errors Review the data replication settings and ensure the correct data format and error handling methods are configured.


Setting up an ECDA server to connect SAP Replication Server to SQL Server may seem like a daunting task, but with this step-by-step guide, you should be well on your way to achieving seamless data replication between these two systems. Remember to carefully configure each component, test your connections, and troubleshoot any issues that arise. Happy replicating!

By following the instructions outlined in this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Install and configure an ECDA server for SAP Replication Server and SQL Server connectivity.
  • Create an ECDA server profile to establish a connection between the SAP Replication Server and SQL Server.
  • Test the ECDA server connection to ensure data replication is successful.
  • Troubleshoot common issues that may arise during the setup process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Setting up an ECDA server to connect SAP Replication Server to SQL Server can be a daunting task, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions to get started.

What is an ECDA server, and why do I need it for SAP Replication Server?

An ECDA (External Command Deployment Agent) server is a crucial component that allows SAP Replication Server to connect to SQL Server. It acts as a bridge between the two systems, enabling the Replication Server to deploy and execute commands on the SQL Server. Think of it as a messenger that helps the Replication Server communicate with the SQL Server, ensuring a smooth data replication process.

How do I set up an ECDA server for SAP Replication Server?

To set up an ECDA server, you’ll need to install and configure the ECDA agent on a Windows server. Then, create a new ECDA server instance in the SAP Replication Server Management Console, specifying the hostname and port number of the ECDA agent. Finally, configure the SQL Server connection details, including the server name, username, and password. Voilà! Your ECDA server is ready to facilitate data replication.

What are the system requirements for running an ECDA server?

To run an ECDA server, you’ll need a Windows server with a 64-bit operating system, .NET Framework 4.5 or higher, and a minimum of 2 GB RAM. Additionally, ensure that the server has a static IP address and is accessible from the SAP Replication Server. If you’re running a distributed environment, make sure the ECDA server is installed on a machine that’s part of the same domain as the SQL Server.

How do I troubleshoot ECDA server connection issues with SQL Server?

If you encounter connection issues, start by checking the ECDA server logs for error messages. Verify that the SQL Server connection details are correct, including the server name, username, and password. Ensure that the SQL Server is accessible from the ECDA server, and check the firewall settings to ensure they’re not blocking the connection. If all else fails, try restarting the ECDA server service or reinstalling the ECDA agent.

Can I use an ECDA server with multiple SQL Server instances?

Yes, you can use an ECDA server with multiple SQL Server instances. Simply create separate ECDA server instances in the SAP Replication Server Management Console, each pointing to a different SQL Server instance. This allows you to manage multiple data replication streams from a single ECDA server, making it a convenient and scalable solution for distributed environments.