Mastering Streamlit: Exploring st.session_state Keys for Clicked Images
Image by Chitran -

Mastering Streamlit: Exploring st.session_state Keys for Clicked Images

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Are you tired of losing the values of your clicked images in Streamlit? Do you want to show old values on re-runs even after they are set to None? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of Streamlit’s st.session_state keys and explore how to harness their power to achieve exactly that.

What are st.session_state Keys?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what st.session_state keys are. In Streamlit, st.session_state is a dictionary-like object that stores information about the current user session. It’s a powerful tool that allows you to persist data between reruns of your app, making it perfect for storing user inputs, preferences, and even image data.

st.session_state keys are essentially the individual entries within the st.session_state dictionary. Each key is a unique string that corresponds to a specific value. When you set a value to a key, it’s stored in the session state and can be accessed later using the same key.

Why Do We Need st.session_state Keys for Clicked Images?

When working with images in Streamlit, it’s common to want to store the data of the clicked image. This could be for various reasons, such as:

  • Displaying the previous image selection when the user reruns the app
  • Performing operations on the previously selected image
  • Storing user preferences for later use

Without st.session_state keys, each time the user interacts with your app, the image data is lost. By using st.session_state keys, you can persist the image data and retrieve it later, even after the user closes and reopens the app.

Setting up st.session_state Keys for Clicked Images

Now that we understand the importance of st.session_state keys, let’s explore how to set them up for clicked images.

import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

# Create a session state key for the clicked image
if 'clicked_image' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state['clicked_image'] = None

# Create a button to trigger the image upload
button_clicked = st.button('Upload Image')

if button_clicked:
    # Get the uploaded image
    uploaded_image = st.file_uploader('Select an image', type=['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg'])

    # Store the uploaded image in the session state
    if uploaded_image:
        st.session_state['clicked_image'] =

In this example, we create a session state key called ‘clicked_image’ and set its initial value to None. When the user uploads an image, we store the image data in the session state using the same key.

Showing Old Values on Re-runs

Now that we’ve stored the image data in the session state, let’s explore how to show the old values on re-runs.

# Show the previously selected image
if st.session_state['clicked_image']:
    st.image(st.session_state['clicked_image'], use_column_width=True)

In this example, we use the st.image function to display the previously selected image. We check if the ‘clicked_image’ key has a value, and if it does, we display the image using the st.image function.

Setting st.session_state Keys to None

Sometimes, you might want to reset the st.session_state keys to None. This could be when the user wants to start fresh or when you want to clear the previous image selection.

# Create a button to clear the previous image selection
button_clear = st.button('Clear Image')

if button_clear:
    st.session_state['clicked_image'] = None

In this example, we create a button that, when clicked, sets the ‘clicked_image’ key to None. This clears the previous image selection, and the app starts fresh.

Common Issues and Solutions

When working with st.session_state keys, you might encounter some common issues. Here are some solutions to get you unstuck:

Issue Solution
st.session_state key is not persisting between reruns Make sure to check if the key is already in the session state before setting its value. Use if ‘key’ not in st.session_state: st.session_state[‘key’] = value
st.session_state key is not displaying the correct value Verify that you’re accessing the correct key and that the value is being set correctly. Use print(st.session_state) to debug the session state.
st.session_state key is causing errors when trying to access its value Check if the key has a value before trying to access it. Use if st.session_state[‘key’]: value = st.session_state[‘key’]


In this article, we’ve explored the world of Streamlit’s st.session_state keys and how to use them to persist image data between reruns. By mastering st.session_state keys, you can create powerful and interactive apps that remember user inputs and preferences.

Rewmember, st.session_state keys are a powerful tool in your Streamlit arsenal. With great power comes great responsibility, so use them wisely!

Happy coding, and don’t forget to show off your Streamlit skills on social media with the hashtag #StreamlitSuperstar!

  1. Streamlit Documentation: st.session_state
  2. Streamlit Community Forum: Discuss Streamlit

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your Streamlit session state conundrums!

Why do Streamlit st.session_state keys retain old values even after I set them to None?

This is because Streamlit’s session state is designed to persist across re-runs, allowing you to maintain state between iterations. When you set a key to None, you’re not actually deleting the key, but rather setting its value to None. To completely remove a key, use the `del` statement, like this: `del st.session_state[‘key_name’]`.

How can I ensure that my Streamlit app doesn’t retain old values for clicked images?

To avoid retaining old values for clicked images, make sure to reset the relevant session state keys when the user clicks a new image. You can do this by assigning a new value to the key or using the `del` statement to remove it altogether. Additionally, consider using a unique key for each image to prevent conflicts.

What’s the best way to handle session state for multiple images in a Streamlit app?

When dealing with multiple images, it’s essential to use a hierarchical session state structure. Create a dictionary or a list to store the image-related data, and use unique keys or indices to access each image’s information. This will help you efficiently manage and update the session state for each image.

Can I use Streamlit’s built-in caching mechanism to store image data?

Yes, you can use Streamlit’s caching mechanism, `st.cache`, to store image data. However, be aware that caching is primarily designed for computational results, not for storing large amounts of data like images. If you need to store images, consider using an external storage solution, such as Amazon S3, or a dedicated image storage service.

How can I debug issues related to Streamlit’s session state and image handling?

To debug session state and image handling issues, use Streamlit’s built-in debugging tools, such as the `st.write` function to print session state values, and the `st.echo` function to display the execution of your code. You can also use Python’s built-in `pdb` module for more in-depth debugging. Additionally, inspect the Streamlit app’s output and console logs to identify potential issues.

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